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Preparatory Workshop: Bibliography


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Provisional title: From Hate Discourse to Radicalization: Typologies of Exclusion and Emotional Patterns of Interaction with Religious Minorities


Primary Literature and Sources

Early Christian Sentiments of anti-Judaism and Inner-Christian Polemics: A Comparison (James Carleton Paget, Cambridge)

  • Adversus Judaeos literature, among which:
    • John Chrysostom, Orationes VIII adversus Judaeos, ed. J.-P. Migne, Patrologia Graeca 48 (Paris, 1862).
    • Tertullian, Adversus Judaeos, ed. H. Tränkle (Wiesbaden, 1964).
  • The Gospel of Judas, Critical Edition: Together with the Letter of Peter to Philip, James, and a Book of Allogenes from Codex Tchacos, ed. R. Kasser and G. Wurst (Washington, 2007).
  • The Coptic Gnostic Library: A Complete Edition of the Nag Hammadi Codices, ed. James M. Robinson and Einar Thomassen (Leiden, 2012).

Polemics and Adversarial Language in Chrysostom’s Commentary on Matthew (Margaret Schatkin, Boston College, and Demetrios Tonias, Hellenic College, Brookline, Mass.)

  •  John Chrysostom, The homilies [...] on the Gospel of St. Matthew, ed. F. Field (Oxford, 1843-1851).

Hate Speech in the Patristic Age; anti-Judaism in Cyril of Alexandria (Joseph Lucas, St Tikhon Seminary, Pennsylvania)

  • Cyril of Alexandria, Lettres Festales I-XVII, ed. P. Evieux, Sources chrétiennes 372, 392, 434 (Paris, 1991-1998).

Unravelling Jerome’s Invectives against Pelagius and the Heretics of his Age (Peter van Egmond, Centre for Patristic Research, Tilburg)

  • Jerome, In Hieremiam prophetam libri sex, ed. S. Reiter, Corpus Christianorum Series Latina 74 (Turnhout, 1960).
  • Jerome, Dialogus adversus Pelagianos, ed. C. Moreschini, Corpus Christianorum Series Latina 80 (Turnhout, 1990).
  • Jerome, Epistulae, ed. I. Hilberg and M. Kamptner, Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum 54-56 (Vienna, 1996).

Typifying the Wicked: Hate Vocabulary and Polemic in Rabbinic and Early-Christian Exegesis of Rome, or Edom (Helen Spurling, University of Southampton, Hagit Amirav and Bas ter Haar Romeny, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

  • Rabbinic sources:
    • Midrash Bereshit Rabbah, ed. J. Theodor and Ch. Albeck, 3 volumes (Berlin, 1912–1936, repr. Jerusalem, 1965).
    • Midrash Tanḥuma, ed. S. Buber, 2 volumes, (Vilna, 1885).
    • Pirke de-Rabbi Elieser: nach der Edition venedig 1544 unter beruecksichtigung der Edition Warschau 1852, ed. D. Börner-Klein (Berlin/New York, 2004).
  • Christian sources (not exhaustive):
    • Irenaeus, Contre les Héresies, Livre IV, ed. A. Rousseau e.a., Sources chrétiennes 100 (Paris, 1965).
    • Jerome, Commentariorum in Esaiam, ed. M. Adriaen and G. Morin, Corpus Christianorum Series Latina 73–73A (Turnhout, 1963).
    • Jerome, Commentarii in prophetas minores, ed. M. Adriaen, Corpus Christianorum Series Latina 76–76A (Turnhout, 1969–1970).
    • The Old Testament in Syriac according to the Peshiṭta version = Vetus Testamentum syriace iuxta simplicem syrorum versionem 3.1: Isaiah = Liber Isaiae, ed. S. P. Brock (Leiden, 1987).

Discourses and Images of Rejection of the Other in Greek, Coptic, Syriac, And Arabic Traditions in the Byzantine and Islamic Periods (Johannes den Heijer, Louvain La-Neuve)

  • History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic Church of Alexandria, ed. B. Evetts, Patrologia Orientalis 2, 4, 21, 50 (Paris, 1907–1915)
  • John of Nikiou, Chronique, ed. H. Zotenberg (Paris, 1883).
  • Maqrīzī, A. Al-, Kitab al-Mawa‘iz wa-al-I‘tibar bi-Dhikr al-Khitat wa-al-Athar (Bulaq, 1853).

Antagonism and Hate Speech in the Papal Courts of the Byzantine Period: Contra Graecos and Contra Latinos Literature (Evangelos Chrysos, University of Athens and Tia Kolbaba, Rutgers University)

  • Nicetas Byzantios, Syllogistic Chapters, ed. J.-P. Migne, Patrologia Graeca 105 (Paris, 1862).
  • Nicholas I, Pope, Epistles, in P. Jaffé e.a. (ed.), Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia ad annum post Christum natum 1198, 2 vols. (1881–1888).
  • Odo of Beauvais, Opera quae supersunt, ed. J.-P. Migne, Patrologia Latina 124 (Paris, 1852).
  • Photius, Opera omnia, ed. J.-P. Migne, Patrologia Graeca 101–103 (Paris, 1860).
  • Aeneas of Paris, Liber adversus Graecos, ed. J.-P. Migne, Patrologia Latina 121 (Paris, 1852).
  • Ratramnus of Corbie, Opera omnia, ed. J.-P. Migne, Patrologia Latina 121 (Paris, 1852).

Pagans, Heretics and Schismatics: Unorthodoxy and Culpability in the Early Medieval West (Miriam Adan, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

  • Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People, ed. B. Colgrave and R. A. B. Mynors, Oxford Medieval Texts (Oxford, 1993).
  • Columban, Letters of Columbanus, transl. G. S. M. Walker, Corpus of Electronic Texts <http://www.ucc.ie/celt/online/T201054.html> (2008, accessed 8 September 2015).

En Route to the Inquisition: Peter Figuerola’s Tractatus contra Infideles and anti-Jewish Violence in Fourteenth-Century Iberia (Jesus de Prado Plumed, Leuven)

  • València (Spain), Arxiu General de la Catedral (BCV), ms. 71, 72 and 73: Tractatus de conflictu christianorum contra infideles, Peter Figuerola (1397), unpublished.

Hate Speech in Medieval Central Europe: Anti-Jewish Discourses and Rituals in Latin and Czech Invectives (Daniel Soukup, Olomouc)

  • Antiphonaries, missals, and other liturgical books (Missale dioecesis Pragensis, Praha, NK, I A 46;  Missale of Cistercians, Praha, KNM, XVIII B 35; Missale of Jan Strniště of Jablonné, Praha, KNM, XV A 8; Missale Lucensis, Praha, Královská kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově, DG III 14 etc.).
  • Breviaries (Breviarium of the Abbess Kunhuta of Kolowrat, Praha, NK, XIII E 14a; Breviarium of the bishop Benedikt of Waldstein, Praha, NK, VI G 6; Breviarium monasterii s. Georgii, Praha, NK, XIII D 138/142/155; Breviarium of Lobkowicz, Praha, NK, XIII F 202 etc.).
  • Passio Pragensium Judaeorum, a sarcastic chronicle of the massacre of the Jewish community of Prague in 1389 (Krakov, Biblioteka Jagiellońska, 2538 DD XIX 4; Praha, NK, XI D 7; Praha, Knihovna Metropolitní kapituly, O 3; Třeboň, SOA, A 14).
  • Collections of medieval Czech songs and poetry (Česká středověká lyrika – ed. J. Lehár; Zbav mě mé tesknosti – ed. M. Kopecký).
  • Devotional literature (Hradecký rukopis – ed. A. Patera), sermons, exemplas (Olomoucké povídky, Olomouc, VK, M II 190), Marian miracles (Miracula Virginis Mariae, Praha, NK, III H 26; Collectio miraculorum beatae virginis Mariae, Praha, NK, VIII C 23).
  • Easter dramas (Visitatio sepulchri, Apothecary /Mastičkář, Play about Resurrection /Hra o Kristovu zmrtvýchvstání, Laments of Mary, Passion Plays etc.).

Hate Speech in Central Medieval Europe: Nathan of Gaza and his anti-Christian, Sabbatean, Magic Rituals (Leor Holzer, Olomouc)

  • Nathan of Gaza, Vires Magicae, in MS Columbia pp. 24a, MS Hamburg 312 pp. 15b and published in G. Scholem, Sabbatai Zevi, 1956, pp. 657–659.
  • Sefer Habriaa, in the following MSS:
    I. Berlin, Prussian State Library ms.or.oct 3077.
    II. Berlin, Prussian State Library ms.or.oct 3075.
    III. JTS MS. Adler 822 MIC 10679.
    IV. JTS MS. Adler 805 MIC 10670.
    V. Oxford. MS 1963.
    VI. Ginzburg MS 137.
    VII.Ginzburg MS 517.
    VIII. Hungarian Science Academy, Budapest, MS Kaufman 184 (first part falsely cataloged under the name רזא דעובדא דבראשית).
    IX. Hungarian Science Academy, Budapest, MS Kaufman 235 (second part falsely cataloged under the name ביאור הקבלה).
    X. Paris National Library MS Hebreu 868 (falsely cataloged under the name ספר הצמצום מירושלים).
    XI. Paris National Library MS Hebreu 731 (falsely cataloged as Lurianic writtings).
    XII. Paris National Library MS Hebreu 2487, 2489 – fragments.
    XIII. JTS MS. Adler 493 – fragments.

Dangerous Words: Popular Invectives against Witches and Heretics in Early-Modern Europe (Mirjam van Veen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

  • Articulen. Van onsen oprechten Christen gheloove, dewelcke van allen menschen die Godtlijck ende Christelijck willen leven … ghelooft moeten zijn… (Leuven, 1545).
  • Costerus, F.P., Schildt der Catholijcken, teghen de ketterijen (Antwerpen, 1591).
  • Duncanus, M., Van die Kinderdoop (Anwerpen, 1572).
  • Faukelius, H., Babel, dat is verwarringe der wederdooperen onder malcanderen (Hoorn, [1621]).
  • Lindanus, W., Eem clear betooch vanden oorspronck der Lutherie (Brugge, 1567).
  • Moded, H. Grondich bericht, van de eerste beghinselen der wederdoopsche seckten (Middelburg, 1603)
  • Palingh, A., ‘tAfgerukt mom-aansight der toovery (Amsterdam, 1659).
  • Petri, C., Den Schilt teghen die wederdoopers (Louvain, 1568).
  • Corpus Documentorum Inquisitionis Haereticae Pravitatis Neerlandicae, ed. P. Fredericq (Den Haag, 1889–1900).
  • Documenta Anabaptistica Neerlandica, ed. A. F. Mellink e.a. (Leiden, 1975–2002).

The Role of the Church Fathers in the late Medieval and Early Modern Debate on Inter-Religious Tolerance (Jozef Matula, Olomouc)

  • Bayle, Pierre, Œuvres diverses, vol. 2, (The Hague, 1727, repr. Hildesheim, 1965).
  • Bodin, Jean, Les Six Livres de la République (Paris, 1576).
  • Castellio, Sebastian, De haereticis, an sint persequendi (Basel, 1554).
  • Erasmus, Desiderius, Opera Omnia (Leiden [etc.], 1969-2015).
  • Ficino, Marsilio, Theologia platonica, 6 vols., ed. J. Hankins and W. Bowen (Cambridge, Mass., 2001–6)
  • Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Oratio de hominis dignitate, ed. E. Garin (Florence, 1942).
  • Hobbes, Thomas, De cive, ed. R. Tuck and M. Silverthorne (Cambridge, 1998).
  • Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan, ed. R. Tuck (Cambridge, 1996).
  • John of Salisbury, Policraticus I-IV, ed. K. S. B. Keats-Rohan, Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Medievalis 117 (Turnhout, 1993).
  • Locke, John, Epistola de tolerantia, ed. M. Montuori (The Hague, 1963).
  • Montaigne, Michel, Essais: Chapitres I à XXV, ed. J. Plattard (Paris, 1959).
  • Nicholas of Cusa, De pace fidei: cum epistola ad Ioannem de Segobia, ed. R. Klibansky (Hamburg, 1959).
  • Petrus Abaelardus, Dialogus inter Philosophum, Judaeum at Christianum, ed. R. Thomas, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, 1970;
  • Raimundus Lullus, Disputatio Raymundi christiani et Hamar sarraceni, in Raimundi Lulli Opera, vol. 4 (Mainz 1729, Frankfurt am Main, 1965).
  • Spinoza, Benedictus, Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, Tractatus Politicus, ed. F. Akkerman (Paris, 1999).
  • Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Textum Leoninum Romae 1888 editum, t. IV-XI (Rome, 1886–1906).

World War I and its Discursive Footprints in Contemporary European and Muslim Societies (Amr Ryad, University of Utrecht)

  • Atlı, A., Turkey in the First World War, <http://www.turkeyswar.com/links.html>.
  • British Library, Endangered Archives, <http://eap.bl.uk/>.
  • British Library, Arabic newspapers, < http://www.bl.uk/reshelp/findhelplang/arabic/arabicsection/arabicnews/index.html>.

The Nazis and Luther: Uses and Abuses of Luther’s anti-Jewish Polemics (Sabine Hiebsch, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

  • Luther, M., Dass Jesus Christus ein geborener Jude sei, Weimarer Ausgabe 11,314-336 (1523).
  • Luther, M., Wider die Sabbater an einen guten Freund: Brief Luthers, Weimarer Ausgabe 50,312-337 (1538) .
  • Luther, M., Von den Juden und ihren Lügen, Weimarer Ausgabe 53,417-552 (1543).
  • Luther, M., Vom Schem Hamphoras und vom Geschlecht Christi, Weimarer Ausgabe 53,579-648 (1543).
  • Luther, M., Von den zehn letzten Worten Davids, Weimarer Ausgabe 54,28-100.

Al-walā’ w’ al-barā’ (loyalty and disavowal): creed and practice in the Muslim view of ‘otherness’ (Yaser Ellethy, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

  • Abdu, M. and Reda, R., Tafsīr Al-Qur’ān al-Ḥakīm [The Interpretation of the Holy Quran (known as Tafsīr al-Manār)] (Cairo, 1947).
  • Ali, Y., The Holy Quran: English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary (Riyadh, 1410 H.).
  • Alousi, Al-, Rawḥ al-Maʻāni [The Essence of the Meanings] (Beirut, 1415 H.).
  • Asqalani, Al-, Fatḥ Al-Bāri bi Sharḥ Ṣaḥīḥ Al-Bukhari [The Creator’s Inspiration in the Explanation of Ṣaḥīḥ Al-Bukhari] (Amman, 2000).
  • Bukhari, Al-, Ṣaḥīḥ Al-Bukhari [The Authentic (collection of hadiths) of Al-Bukhari] (Beirut, 2007).
  • Hilali, M. Al-, and Khan, M. (eds.), The Noble Qur’an (Madinah, 1417 H.).
  • Ibn Kathir, Tafsīr Al-Qur’ān al-ʻAẓīm [Interpretation of the Glorious Quran] (Cairo, 2003).
  • Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya, Aḥkām Ahl al-Dhimma [The Rulings of the People of Dhimma] (Al-Dammam, 1997).
  • Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya, Iʻlām al-Muwaqqiʻīn ʻan Rabb al-ʻĀlamin [Informing Those Who Sign on Behalf of the Lord of the Worlds] (Seida-Beirut, 2003).
  • Ibn Taymiya, Iqtiḍā’ al-Ṣirāṭ al-Mustaqīm Mukhālafat Aṣḥāb Al-Jaḥīm [The Prerequisite of The Straight Path is to Contradict the People of Hell] (Beirut, 2003).
  • Ibn Taymiya, Majmūʿ al-Fatāwa [The Collection of Fatwa’s] (Al-Mansura, 2005).
  • Jazairi, A. Al-, Aysar al-Tafāsīr li Kalām Al-ʻAliyy Al-Kabīr [The Simplest Interpretation of the Word of the Almighty] (Cairo, 1994).
  • Moslim, Ṣaḥīḥ Moslim [The Authentic (collection of hadiths) of Moslim] (Beirut, 2007).
  • Nawawi, Al-, Al-Minhāj fi Sharḥ Ṣaḥīḥ Moslim Ibn Al-Ḥajjāj [The Exemplar on the Explanation of the Ṣaḥīḥ of Moslim Ibn Al-Ḥajjāj] (Amman, 2000).
  • Pickthall, M. (trans.), The Meaning of the Glorious Koran (London, 1930).
  • Qurtubi, Al-, Al-Jāmiʻ li Aḥkām Al-Qur’ān [The Sententious of the Rulings of the Quran], ed. H.S. al-Bukhari (Beirut, 1995).
  • Qutb, S., Fi Ẓilāl Al-Qur’ān [In the Shade of the Quran] (Cairo, 2003).
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  • Tabari, Al-, Jāmiʻ al-Bayān ʻan Ta’wīl Āyy Al-Qur’ān [The Eloquent Sententious on the Interpretation of the Quranic Verses] (Cairo, 2008).
  • Wahidi, Al-, Asbāb Nuzūl Al-Qur’ān [The Reasons of the Revelation of the Quran] (Beirut, 1991).

Hate Discourse, Emotions and Feedom of Expression among Muslims in Contemporary Western Europe (Razi Quadir, Vrije UniversiteitAmsterdam)

  • al-Alwani, T. J., Apostasy in Islam: A Historical and Scriptural Analysis (Herndon, 2011).
  • Belifante, A.D., Reede, J.L. de, Beginselen van het Nederlandse staatsrecht, ed. L. Dragstra, N. S. Efthymiou, A. W. Hins and R. de Lange (Deventer, 2012).
  • Caenegem, R. C. van, An Historical Introduction to Western Constitutional Law (Cambridge, 1995 [repr. 2003]).
  • Dijk, P. van, Hoof, F. van, Rijn, A. van, and Zwaak, L. (eds.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights (Antwerpen/Oxford, 2006).
  • Ibn Taymiyyah, Taqi al-Din Ahmad, Al-Sarim al-Maslul ‘ala Shatim al-Rasul [The Drawn Sword for the One Who Insults the Prophet] (Beiroet,  1999).
  • Kamali, M. H., Freedom of Expression in Islam (Cambridge, 1997).
  • Saeed, A. and Saeed, H., Freedom of Religion, Apostasy and Islam (Surrey, 2004 [repr. 2005, 2011]).
  • Sachedina, Abdulaziz, Islam and the challenge of human rights (Oxford/New York, 2009).
  • Stokum, B. A. M. van, Sackers, H. J. B. and Wils, J. P., Godslastering, discriminerende uitingen wegens godsdienst en haatuitingen (Meppel, 2007).


Secondary Literature

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